Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Tuesday 7/5/2011

While the drive was only 6 hours, the heat was horrible! I hate the heat!!!!

The Loporchio gnome and Samantha's lamb left Acton about 10 AM, arriving here in Sacramento just in time for tacos on Tuesday. We went to the same place Samantha liked to go, and then shoping for needles to finish my knitting project. I bet Samantha was complaining big time that I was on vacation and knitting - ugh...

Today's sights weren't all that new; however, just outside of Lancaster, there was a herd of cattle that were all falling in a straight line, like follow the leader. I wonder if they were going to lunch? No picture because I was driving and dared not take apicture at the same time as I navigated the curves up on Hwy. 138.

Once in Sacramento, I managed to convince Rosalba she could tolerate a quick coffee run in the mini. She wasn't thrilled with the convertible, so Ricardo quickly got a picture to prove she had been in the car.

Of course getting ready for bed included getting the dogs ready for bed, too. This is zilla dog, the runt from the litter that Samantha sat with back in February. They were so small, and they were so cute. Samantha actually tried to convince me to add another pet to the house.

No gym tonight. Rosalba has the day off tomorrow, so we're going to do something. I'm not sure Rosalba wants to ride the Sacaramento River with me, and Ricardo leaves at 4am for work, so he won't be coming either.

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