Saturday, July 9, 2011

Bike Ride and heading south again ...

Thursday's ride started a bit late because I forgot the key to unlock my bike. Eventually, I did get my bike unlocked and road 17 miles. While the trail runs along the river, the area is questionable, but enjoyable.

I passed by the sweet shop where Samantha liked to get taffy and sweets. I also saw numerous bridges, the exact one the kids and I watch be lifted for boats to pass, 17 yrs ago.

By the end of the day, I arrived at Shaver Lake with the Munsters. While on the road, I had my first traveling nightmare without my navigator, Samantha. After a few deep breaths and glasses, I could see the map well enough to figure out where to go. Once I turned into the area, the beautiful pine trees made the twisting road worth it. It was wonderful!!! Dinner, with kabobs and then s'mores for dessert. We were up until after midnight, so I had lots of knitting time.

Cell reception is poor beyond texts.

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