Sunday, July 3, 2011

Only 2 more days and I am on the road. Now, one would think I'd be packing and getting ready, of course not. I'm sewing banners for the horses our school administrators will be riding in the parade tomorrow am. That's after we've spent three days moving and getting banged up with major bruises.

I have however been reading travel books and working on a tentative route. I'm actually thinking about a chunk of time in Wyoming and then into Canada. Wyoming sounds beautiful and there's lots to do out in the open. I hope it isn't quite as hot as it has been this week - yuck!!

Any suggestions on places to stop would be great! I've accepted an invitation to stay with a former student's family at Shaver Lake which will be my 2nd stop, after riding the bike trail along the American River in the Sacramento area. After that, I'm going to aim to stop in the Salt Lake City, Utah area as well as Helena, Montana, too.

Pictures Tuesday am, when I'm leaving for sure!
Hugs to you all who have been such a huge support! :-)

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