Thursday, July 16, 2009

Stansted, England

Well, we got Grandma on her plane in Dublin and then had another 1.5 hrs to wait for our plane. Luckily, Samantha and I did not break and suitcases or get the wrong bags checked this time. :-)

We made our flight to Stansted and had lunch in the airport cafe; it wasn't that bad at all. While on the last Ryanair flight, for a LONG time, we had a seat near a fellow from Dublin who was moving to London. He shared that he was making 1,600 E a month as his unemployment payment. This doesn't seem so bad. I guess unemployment is hitting Ireland pretty tough. Welcome to our world.

We spent some time speaking with a family from Norway; they had just returned from visiting with their oldest daughter in DC where she served as a Embassy Page.

Our last hotel here, The Holiday Inn Express in Stansted has no internet in the room, so we have to be in the lobby. Not likely we'll upload images. However, I'm thinking about staying up most of Friday evening, so I'll sleep on the flight home. Today's flight hit turbulence, and I was sick!!

Samantha is sure to add to the blog when she comes down.

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