Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Budapest, Hungary

Well, today we were up at the crack of dawn, which is a challenge seeing that we didn't go to bed until nearly dawn. The time change has been a bit if a challenge coupled with the heat, but we did get a short nap on the road. As we headed out of Vienna, we passed the beaches here, where the Dunabe River meets and connects to create a "hangout" place according to the guide.

Once we were on the road, we managed to stay dry and avoid the rain. We did see the highights of Budapest and learned so much about their history. To begin with, both Austria and Hungary have recently signed an agreement where no documents are required to cross; they call it a hi-bye border. However, the government continues to closely monitor the work force as they are trying to avoid a "dumping" workforce that would negatively impact the economy of Austria. It seems that Hungary has yet to catch up with the title they held many years ago as the Paris of the East. It surely had shops galore and the most beautiful embroidered table clothes you could see!!!

The first stop was up to the Captial Hill, on the original Buda side at the Royal Palace. From here the view of the united city, Budapest, is amazing!!!

This Castle was invaded and ruined not once, but 3 times including the damage done by the Ottomans who used it as a military garrison. Later the Nazis used the building when they invaded for about 100 days. Today it serves as a historical museum.

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