Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Wow, we haven't blogged in some time, if I recall correctly. Paris was LOTS of walking. We had some great day events planned and learned all kinds of things about the French Revolution. The first day in town we went on a tour to learn about the major historical buildings. While we saw many, there were a few that were more interesting than the others. This is the palace that is right along the Siene River, and was once the home of the government leader, until he chose to leave and head to Versailles.

We also saw the Notre Dame and The Arc de Triumph. The Arc sits in a long park, Champ de Elysses, I think, and it seems like you never reach it when walking from one side to the other.

Before the day ended, we had great tickets that passed LONG, LONG lines to go up the Eiffel Tower. Of course, Samantha was no learly at all, I on the other hand was not looking forward to the climb. We went up to the 1st level and thentransferred over to the next level. At that point ice cream was necessary to be sure we could get out on the platform to take advantage of the view., We did that and then I went to but yet another ticket for Samantha to head up to the very top,. Luckily, some man's wife was ill, darn, and was unable to head up so I got his ticket, free!!!

The view of Paris is beautiful, and way, way up there.!!!!

We walked a bit more and headed back to the hotel, with air conditioning!!! The weather had been hot, but it has begun to cool down a bit. The next day was another early one, more early ones than I care to admit. We went to bike through the Chataeu at Versailles. It was beautiful!!! The best day of the trio; I think! We started with riding to the train and then figuring out how to get the biokes on the train with all of the suits, interesting!!! Then we rode through the town of Versailles to a market that hae everything you could image!

OK, we're out of battery and too tired to figure out where the adoptor is.... we'll add tomorrow after some sleep. :-)

1 comment:

  1. so, you did actually climb to the top? love you guys too, see you soon
