Sunday, June 21, 2009

Europe 09

Well, we leave in just over 48 hours and we have packed nothing! I have managed to get the international drivers' license and some of our reservation copies, but far from everything.

Let's see how this blogging is going to work. I'm going to try this instead of phone access, as it is much cheaper seeing that we will not be in one place for very long.

SAM'S POST-6/24/09
alright ladies and gentlemen: we aren't leaving until tomorrow. the airline (of course) over booked...meaning that we get free hotel, another flight, and FREE FOOD. (-= so we're staying at this bomb hotel....our flight isn't until like 7pm tomorrow, so mom and me are going to sit around and go swimming....right now i'm watching jumper (its like 1 am) and i'm going to go shower. maybe i'll upload some pics if i can figure it out. laterrrr

Yes, Samantha is correct, we volunteered to stay and depart a day later. We've settled into a hotel here near LAX, compliments of the airlines, and then we'll leave tomorrow evening on a direct flight.

Hopefully, we'll begin the London part of our trip Thursday mid-day. Can't figure out how to share our pictures yet.


  1. Im so excited for you 3. you will have so much fun!! Promise to take lots of pictures. Forward me all your emergency contacts for the pets ha ha : )

    Best wishes on your voyage,

  2. Yes, Samantha is correct, we volunteered to stay and depart a day later. We've settled into a hotel here near LAX, compliments of the airlines, and then we'll leave tomorrow evening on a direct flight.

    Hopefully, we'll begin the London part of our trip Thursday mid-day.
