Tuesday, June 30, 2009


hey hey hey its sam..moms tired so shes just chillin. i'm playing a really funny game...it's called hot dog bush... look it up. we're in vienna, and pretty much sleeping and shopping. we cant find any touristy shirts (i <3> )-= so we bought some jeans and clean socks. (donna was right, 3 pair isnt enough...ewwww) alright i'll be in later.

Monday, June 29, 2009


This is Samantha and Squishy at Stonehenge.
you know its like 9 pm here?
its only 12 pm at home
im tired, and coming back is going to stink on the "beauty sleep"
i might be on later, but i'm not sure.
i'm really tired

Ok, here goes on a foreign keyboard.... I can't find the right keys to make sentences. We spent yesterday in Graz, wondering in the rain and in the small town. The only place we could find open on a Sunday was a place that sold ice-cream.... Luckily, we found a market this morning to buy food before we boarded the train for Vienna. That countryside from Graz to Vienna is beautiful, green and full of treed hills. There were many small towns in the mountainsides, so I managed to get some great pictures, too. Once in Vienna we made our way tot the center of town, via the buses, I think that is what it was. The information center guided us to a great priced hotel, just another few miles form where we were in the center of town. Walking some more I went back to the center to see the world famous Opera House. There was a performance so I was able to see it on the big screen while in the plaza, drinking my Starbucks, no lie!!!

Now, we're not sure about plans for tomorrow, it's been raining here. I think we are going to try to spend the day locally, sleep in, seeing that we were awoken early in Graz with a HORRIBLE buzzing alarm. No idea what it was, but it nearly simulated an air raid or something like that. If I'm lucky, we'll get a tour to Budapest Wednesday am and then the train to Munch Thursday am.

Ok, I have to check the trains before that old man gets back. Sure miss all of you.!!!!

Even More Europe

Hey Guys its sam.
we're in VIENNA and the keyboard on this computer goes
instead of
so it's mixing up my mom
we've been on trains n stuff and the last place we went smelled like tobacco.
my mom has unfortunately started up some bad habits again....
she wont shut up in her sleep
"shelby, no! no be quiet! mercedes, dont step on her! AHHH"
speaking of shelby, does anyone know how Meyers is? She usually calls me more often....
alright i\ll be back in a few minutes or tomorrow
some old dude needs to use this comp.
love, sam

Saturday, June 27, 2009

More Europe

Ok, the rain has arrived here in |London so it is a bit cooler. We've been to Stonehenge and Oxford as well as Winsdor Castle. I can't get the hang of the keyboard here so everything has typing errors.

I tried to complete the online check in for the "cheap" flights, and I think I manged to book another flight! Eeek!! Miss my own computer. but the internet cafe is workable I guess.....

Sam wants to add so I'm off for now. Lots of hugs to everyone.

hey people from acton... you know far away
time in london is overr, heading to this other place...im not sure where.... it was planned without me. i'll check in later if ive gots some times...it smells like tobacco and pee here so i'm kind of glad to go..evgerybody either smokes, drinks, or chews tobacco and (ewwwww) spits on the ground. ohhh and every girl here either looks like Katy Perry, Teresa, Alex (from degrassi haha), Melody (who is my english dad's cousin's child), or Marcella. its still hot and humid and (haha) my mom has started up bad habits again (like snoring). it's like 10pm here and like 1pm at home so i'm going to go because i'm tired. see you all in like 21 days. oh and rachel, were totally still going to transformers and don cucos right?


Thursday, June 25, 2009

more Europe

London: We have finally arrived, and it is HUMID!. The day delayed in LA was not bad but we arrived to no hotel in London. Wow, the room is small and costly, but very centrally located!!! The Americanna Hotel. After arriving about 2:00 PM their time, we spent nearly 2 hours wandering around London via the Tube, to get to the hotel. Showers were wonderful!!! Then back out to tour. First stop was Harrord's where we stopped for chocolate ice cream and a peek into the store, wayyy too expensive for us. Then it was off for a foot walk.... nearly 4 miles but we saw the Marble Arches, scary history. Then around the city to see the haunted spots and now back for another shower!!!

No pictures until we get to Austria as we have to use an Internet cafe.

SAM!!!: hey hey hey okay so we've walked like a ton and my feet really hurt...dinner is apples (haha) because of asinine prices and a crappy dollar exchange. moo.okay ummm sorry Rachel that i didn't call because i can't (it costs a lot apparently) and um i guess we're leaving here on Sunday. its weird to type because some of the keys are out of order....nick, your kilt is gonna be expensive. alright i gotta go cause its like 10pm here so yeah see you all in 25 days

oh and i donty think british people use AC......

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Not real sure how to get the images up. The "free" hotel was great, clean and comfortable. Pictures soon.... We'll work on it while waiting for the plane later this afternoon .

London tomorrow...

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Europe 09

Well, we leave in just over 48 hours and we have packed nothing! I have managed to get the international drivers' license and some of our reservation copies, but far from everything.

Let's see how this blogging is going to work. I'm going to try this instead of phone access, as it is much cheaper seeing that we will not be in one place for very long.

SAM'S POST-6/24/09
alright ladies and gentlemen: we aren't leaving until tomorrow. the airline (of course) over booked...meaning that we get free hotel, another flight, and FREE FOOD. (-= so we're staying at this bomb hotel....our flight isn't until like 7pm tomorrow, so mom and me are going to sit around and go swimming....right now i'm watching jumper (its like 1 am) and i'm going to go shower. maybe i'll upload some pics if i can figure it out. laterrrr

Yes, Samantha is correct, we volunteered to stay and depart a day later. We've settled into a hotel here near LAX, compliments of the airlines, and then we'll leave tomorrow evening on a direct flight.

Hopefully, we'll begin the London part of our trip Thursday mid-day. Can't figure out how to share our pictures yet.